Map Room

Available at every SparkMap Subscription level. Learn more about SparkMap Subscriptions on our Pricing Page.

Tell your story in a geographic context. Identify gaps, assets, and trends at the ZIP Code, Census tract, and district level.

Try the Map Room
Select Your Subscription

Create a Map in 3 Simple Steps

Select Data Layers

Choose from over 28,000 map layers available to all SparkMap users!

Image shows the Map Room's search bar, a large white box with a title reading "Search Data." The searchbar enables users to easily search SparkMap's map layers.

Select Your Community

Our maps zoom from national to street level. Easily identify and highlight your county, ZIP code, town, or service area.

Explore Results

Our maps are always interactive! Dive deep into our data layers by clicking your map and by utilizing our robust suite of presentation and analysis tools.

Features Our Customers Love

Data Volcano

Over 100 reliable data sources

Over 28,000 map layers

All 28,000+ Map Room layers are available at every subscription level.

View our complete Map Room data list.

Interested in downloading Map Room data?

Use the Select Data and Query Data tools to download selections from any map layer into tabular form, available for download to .csv.

Download Data
click image to expand

Looking to learn more about your area?

Measure your area’s COVID-19 Footprint, Vulnerable Population Footprint, & Location Opportunity Footprint. Footprint maps are:

Map Room Explore Results

Want to view your data alongside SparkMap’s data layers?

Upload data in .csv, KML/KMZ, or shapefile formats.

Access the Data Upload Tool with the following subscription levels:



Learn more about our subscription options on the Pricing Page.

Explore Topic Based Map Gallery

Youth Not Enrolled and Not Employed

Precipitation Averages

Preventable Hospital Stays

Want to learn more? Check out our:

Industry Use Cases
Data Info

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