Vizient Vulnerability Index, 2020

This layer shows the overall vulnerability index along with nine domains of social needs for each census tract and ZIP code across the United States. Neighborhoods with scores greater than 1 are identified as areas of “high vulnerability,” meaning they face specific obstacles to care that are more than one standard deviation above the national…

Small Business Loans

the new lending to businesses with revenues under $1 million, by amount and number of loans. Data are retrieved from Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) 2022 Aggregate data. Data includes amount, percent, and number of loans

National Land Cover Dataset, 2023

The National Land Cover Database (NLCD) serves as the definitive Landsat-based, 30-meter resolution, land cover database for the Nation. NLCD provides spatial reference and descriptive data for characteristics of the land surface such as thematic class (for example, urban, agriculture, and forest), percent impervious surface, and percent tree canopy cover. NLCD supports a wide variety…