Providers of Service

This layer displays the point locations of all providers of service (POS) in the U.S. The POS database contains the addresses and characteristics of all health care providers, including hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, rural health clinics, and more.

Head Start Facilities

This layer displays locations of Head Start facilites in the United States. The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) identifies head start facilities as either a center, an early childhood center, a seasonal / migrant center, or any combination of these designations.

Access to High-Speed Internet

This layer displays the percentage of population with access to broadband internet. Data are from the August, 2019 release of the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) Fixed Broadband Deployment Dataset and reflect conditions as of June 2018. Data are available by county, census tract, and census block group. Values are population-weighted; caculations do not include cellular…

Access to Fiber Internet

This layer displays the percentage of population with access to fiber internet. Data are from the August, 2019 release of the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) Fixed Broadband Deployment Dataset and reflect conditions as of June 2018. Data are available by county, census tract, and census block group. Values are population-weighted; caculations do not include cellular…