Heat Index – Average Days Above 99th Percentile

This updated dataset reports the total number of days in which an extreme heat event was above the 99th percentile between 2017-2019 at the county level. Data were obtained from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Environmental Public Health Tracking Network (EPHTN).

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Drought Intensity, U.S. Drought Monitor

This layer displays areas that experienced dry or drought conditions in the last seven days. Data are retrieved as shapefiles from the U.S. Drought Monitor and are updated on a weekly basis. The affected areas are represented by polygons, which are classified according to drought intensity. Using quantitative and objective indicators, as well as local condition and impact reports, the U.S. Drought Monitor defines each drought intensity level as follows:

D0 – Abnormally Dry
D1 – Moderate Drought
D2 – Severe Drought
D3 – Extreme Drought
D4 – Exceptional Drought

For more information about the data, please see the U.S. Drought Monitor Data Classification web page.

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