Indicator percentages are acquired from analysis of annual survey data from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) for survey year 2015. Percentages are generated based on valid responses to the following questions:
“During the past month, not counting juice, how many times per day, week, or month did you eat fruit? Count fresh, frozen, or canned fruit.” and “During the past month, how many times per day, week or month did you drink 100% PURE fruit juices? Do not include fruit-flavored drinks with added sugar or fruit juice you made at home and added sugar to. Only include 100% juice.”
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Indicator percentages are acquired from analysis of annual survey data from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) for survey year 2015. This indicator represents the percentage of adults who indicated that they consumed more than 1 serving of other vegetables per day.
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This layer displays the location of Food Deserts across the United States based on conditions in 2015. More information can be found in the January 2017 report, Low-Income and Low-Supermarket-Access Census Tracts, 2010-2015.
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This layer displays changes in Food Desert Census Tracts between 2010 and 2015. More information can be found in the January 2017 report, Low-Income and Low-Supermarket-Access Census Tracts, 2010-2015.
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Layer displays the estimated percentage of adults who are in obese across all counties in the United States. These figures are multi-year modelled estimates based on survey data from the CDC Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System.
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This layer displays the percentage of Medicare Beneficiaries with diabetes. The prevalence of chronic conditions among Medicare beneficiaries is based on Medicare insurance claims (for specific inpatient diagnosis or procedure codes) in 2017.
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