This layer displays the maximum advertised download speed available from fixed internet (DSL, cable, fiber, etc.) and terrestrial/fixed wireless internet providers. Data are from the August, 2019 release of the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) Fixed Broadband Deployment Dataset and reflect conditions as of June 2018. Data are reported by census block (centroid).
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This layer displays the percentage of population with access to high speed internet as of June 2017. Data are available by County, census tract, and block group. Caculations do not include access based solely on cellular internet providers.
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This layer displays the average number of high-speed internet providers as of June 2017. Data are available by county, census tract, and census block group. Values are population-weighted; caculations do not include internet access based solely on cellular internet providers.
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This layer displays the maximum advertised download speed available from fixed internet (DSL, cable, fiber, etc.) and terrestrial/fixed wireless internet providers.
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This layer displays the percent of people who use the internet at broadband speeds (Greater than 25 MBPS download speed). Data is derived from the Microsoft data science and analytics team, using anonymized user data and aggregated to the county level.
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This layer displays the percentage of population with access to broadband internet. Data are from the August, 2019 release of the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) Fixed Broadband Deployment Dataset and reflect conditions as of June 2018. Data are available by county, census tract, and census block group. Values are population-weighted; caculations do not include cellular internet providers.
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