Rural Hospital Closures

This layer displays the location of hospitals that no longer provide in-patient care in rural settings since 2005. Hospitals may have closed completely or converted to provide some other healthcare services.

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Rural vs. Urban Household Poverty

This layer displays information about the difference between rural and urban childhood poverty across the United States. Data are based on census-tract level information from the 2008-12 American Community Survey. Census tracts are defined as urban or rural based on 2010 US Census Bureau definitions; tract level information is then aggregated to and displayed at the Public Use Microdata Area (PUMA) geographic level.

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Rural vs. Urban Educational Attainment

This layer displays information about the difference between rural and urban educational attainment across the United States. Data are based on census-tract level information from the 2010-14 American Community Survey. Census tracts are defined as urban or rural based on 2010 US Census Bureau definitions; tract level information is then aggregated to and displayed at the Public Use Microdata Area (PUMA) geographic level.

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Rural vs. Urban Childhood Poverty

This layer displays information about the difference between rural and urban childhood poverty across the United States. Data are based on census-tract level information from the 2010-14 American Community Survey. Census tracts are defined as urban or rural based on 2010 US Census Bureau definitions; tract level information is then aggregated to and displayed at the Public Use Microdata Area (PUMA) geographic level.

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2010 Census Mail Return Rate

This layer displays areas defined as Hard to Count by the United States decennial census. Data is from the US Census Planning Database and included 2010 Response Rates, Mail Return Rates, Low Response Score, and ACS Response Rates. More information on how about US Census Hard to Count areas can be found here .

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