Locations of Addiction/Substance Abuse Providers

This layer displays the locations of all addiction or substance abuse providers with a CMS National Provider Identifier (NPI). Addiction or substance abuse providers include MDs, DOs, and other credentialed professionals specializing substance abuse treatment, rehabilitation, addiction medicine, or providing methadone. Data are from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) March 2018 National Provider Identifier (NPI) downloadable file.

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Locations of Addiction/Substance Abuse Providers

This layer displays the locations of all addiction or substance abuse providers with a CMS National Provider Identifier (NPI). Addiction or substance abuse providers include MDs, DOs, and other credentialed professionals specializing substance abuse treatment, rehabilitation, addiction medicine, or providing methadone. Data are from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) August 2019 National Provider Identifier (NPI) downloadable file.

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