Property Crimes per 100,000 Population
This layer displays property crime rates and totals in counties across the United States. Crime totals and rates are multi-year estimates for the three year period 2012-2014.
Learn how to use new ACS data in the Community Needs Assessment. Register for our webinar on 2/15!
This layer displays property crime rates and totals in counties across the United States. Crime totals and rates are multi-year estimates for the three year period 2012-2014.
This layer displays the location of mental health care providers (psychologists, psychiatrists, and licensed clinical social workers). Data are from the 2015 Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Medicare Physician and Other Supplier Data CY 2015 Public Use File.
This layer displays the locations of all primary care physicians who accept Medicare. Primary care physicians are those MDs or DOs specializing in family practice, general practice, pediatric medicine, or internal medicine. Data are from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Physician and Other Supplier 2015 Public Use File (PUF), released in June…
This layer displays coronary heart disease mortality figures from the CDC’s National Vital Statistics System – Mortality database. Data are 5-year aggregates for 2011-15 and grouped by ICD-10 codes.
This layer shows the percentage of Medicare Beneficiaries with hypertension (high blood pressure). The prevalence of chronic conditions among Medicare beneficiaries based on Medicare insurance claims data in 2015.
Data and maps from the 2018 County Health Rankings are now availble on Community Commons! Click the map below to view the rank and underlying data for Premature Death, or search for additional updates by searching the Map Room for the term “CHR 2018”.