2010 Census Mail Return Rate

This layer displays areas defined as Hard to Count by the United States decennial census. Data is from the US Census Planning Database and included 2010 Response Rates, Mail Return Rates, Low Response Score, and ACS Response Rates. More information on how about US Census Hard to Count areas can be found here .

ACS 13-17 Self Response Score

This layer displays areas defined as Hard to Count by the United States decennial census. Data is from the US Census Planning Database and included 2010 Response Rates, Mail Return Rates, Low Response Score, and ACS Response Rates. More information on how about US Census Hard to Count areas can be found here .

Coal Fields

This data set shows the coal fields of Alaska and the conterminous United States. Most of the material for the conterminous United States was collected from James Trumbull’s “Coal Fields of the United States, Conterminous United States” map (sheet 1, 1960). The Gulf Coast region was updated using generalized, coal-bearing geology obtained from State geologic…

Oil and Natural Gas Fields

The layer represents Oil and Natural Gas Fields. Generally, Oil and Natural Gas “Fields” are defined as “a low in the Earth’s crust of tectonic origin in which sediments have accumulated.” This definition was originally defined by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). Within the larger area of the basins this feature class also contains…