New maps and data now available for demographic indicators from the American Community Survey.

New 5-year estimates for 2008-2012 acquired from the American Community Survey (replacing 5-year estimates for 2007-2011). Affected indicators: Demographics Total Population Median Age Population Age 0-4 Population Age 5-17 Population Age 18-24 Population Age 25-34 Population Age 35-44 Population Age 45-54 Population Age 55-64 Population Age 65+

New maps and data now available for three indicators from the National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention (NCHHSTP).

New data acquired from the CDC’s National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention (NCHHSTP) Atlas interface. Affected indicators: Health Outcomes Chlamydia Incidence Gonorrhea Incidence HIV Prevalence Data breakouts by race / ethnicity now available at the state level for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea indicators. Data breakouts by race / ethnicity now available at…

New maps and data now available for population demographic and socioeconomic characteristics from the US Census Bureau’s American Communuity Survey (ACS).

American Community Survey data for the 2007-11 five-year period has been processed and released! These updates replace previous indicator data from the 2006-2010 five-year period. Affected Indicators: Demographics Total Population Male Population Female Population Population Under Age 18 Population Age 18-64 Population Age 65+ Median Age Social & Economic Factors Children in Poverty Population in…

New map and data table now available for Population Receiving SNAP Benefit indicator from the US Census Bureau’s Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates (SAIPE) Program.

New data from the Census Bureau’s SAIPE program has been processed and released. New estimates are based on 2010 SNAP program data, replacing previous estimates which 2009 program data. Affected Indicators: Social & Economic Factors Population Receiving SNAP Benefits

Correction made to Preliminary Health Needs Identification Tool – Disparity Report.

A data inconsistency error was identified and corrected. The error was present only in the “Preliminary Health Needs Identification Tool” for the race/ethnicity disparity EXCEL data export. Specifically, the data in the “Native American/Alaskan Native Alone” and “Asian Alone” columns in the Tab2_RaceEthnicDisparities sheet were affected. The error was caused by a typo in a…