New maps and data now available for 2 indicators from the CDC National Environmental Public Health Tracking Network (NEPHTN).

New air quality indicator data and maps are now available for 2012 (replacing data for 2008). Time series data are now available for years 2009 through 2012. Affected indicators: Physical Environment Air Quality – Ozone Air Quality – Particulate Matter 2.5

New maps and data now available for High School Graduation Rate indicator from the California Department of Education (CDE).

New estimates for the 2014-2015 school year were acquired from the California Department of Education (replacing estimates from the 2013-14 school year). Additionally, indicator breakouts now display trends in graduation rates between 2011-12 and 2014-15. Affected indicators: Social & Economic Factors High School Graduation Rate

Correction made to area values (square miles) for some custom report areas, affecting the Total Population indicator.

Correction made to area values (square miles) for some custom report areas, affecting the population density values for the Total Population indicator. This issue affected the following geographies only: State Senate District, Congressional District, and School District.

New maps and data now available for 2 indicators from the National Sexually Transmitted Disease Surveillance System.

New maps and data now available for 2 indicators from the 2014 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Sexually Transmitted Diseases Surveillance System (STDSS) (replacing data for 2012). Affected indicators: Health Outcomes Chlamydia Incidence Gonorrhea Incidence