How to Create a New Support Page (admins only)


How to Create a New Support Page

  1. Add a new page

2. Give the page a title

3. Open the code editor by clicking on the icon with 3 vertical dots, then select Code Editor

4. Copy the code below and paste into the larger box that says “Start writing with text or HTML”.

<!-- wp:stackable/columns {"uniqueId":"3c314a5"} -->
<div class="wp-block-stackable-columns stk-block-columns stk-block stk-3c314a5" data-block-id="3c314a5"><div class="stk-row stk-inner-blocks stk-block-content stk-content-align stk-3c314a5-column"><!-- wp:stackable/column {"uniqueId":"aeeeac6","containerPadding":{"top":5,"right":5,"bottom":5,"left":5},"containerPaddingUnit":"%"} -->
<div class="wp-block-stackable-column stk-block-column stk-block-column--v2 stk-column stk-block stk-aeeeac6" data-block-id="aeeeac6"><style>.stk-aeeeac6-container{padding-top:5% !important;padding-right:5% !important;padding-bottom:5% !important;padding-left:5% !important}</style><div class="stk-column-wrapper stk-block-column__content stk-container stk-aeeeac6-container stk--no-background stk--no-padding"><div class="stk-block-content stk-inner-blocks stk-aeeeac6-inner-blocks"><!-- wp:shortcode -->
<!-- /wp:shortcode -->

<!-- wp:heading {"level":4} -->
<h4>How to Explore Your Community Needs Assessment (CNA)</h4>
<!-- /wp:heading -->

<!-- wp:paragraph -->
<p>Some text here.</p>
<!-- /wp:paragraph --></div></div></div>
<!-- /wp:stackable/column --></div></div>
<!-- /wp:stackable/columns -->

5. Exit the Code Editor. You will notice you now have a breadcrumb shortcode, a header, and a paragraph that says “Some text here”. Change the header to whatever you like. The paragraph is a placeholder for text if you want to use it or use other blocks. This is the area where you will add content.

6. Click on the gear icon

7. Set the parent page to be “Support”. (on the right sidebar towards the bottom)

8. Click the Page Settings icon. A sidebar will appear. Under Page Layout, click on “Left Sidebar”. Under Page Sidebar, click on “Sidebar 2”.

9. To save, click the blue “Publish” button. Click “Publish” again.

10. Finally, add the new page to the support menu. In the WordPress admin, under Appearance, click Menus.

11. Make sure you are working with the correct menu. Be sure to select the “Support Pages” menu.

12. Add your new page to the menu by checking the box next to your page (under Support) and clicking the “Add to Menu” button.

13. Your new page will appear at the bottom of the Menu Structure section. Drag the new page to its correct location. Be sure to click the blue “Save Menu” button.

14. Check your work…you’re done!